Unity: Cinemachine Confiner

Today, I wante to learn how to control cinemachine so that it doesn’t exceed a certain x or y transform value. My first idea was to manually place borders and have a detection script.
But then, I searched youtube and found CodeMonkey’s tutorial on how to use the Cinemachine Confiner. It’s beautiful! Easy to setup. Thank you.L

CodeMonkey’s tutorial on Cinemachine’s confiner.
How to use Cinemachine Confiner (Don’t let Players see the VOID!)

2D Platformer: Double Jump (New input system)

Today, I tested a double jump feature for a 2D platformer controller.
I haven’t had extensive amount of experience with the legacy input system, but I have to say the new input system is confusing at first. Or am I still confused.
At the end, the new input system seems to be the path to take if you want an easy implementation of a variety of hardware controllers users may choose to use.

    public void Jump(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
        // Jump only if grounded
        if (context.performed && IsGrounded())
            rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, jumpPower);
            canDoubleJump = true;

        // Shorter jump height if jump is tapped
        if (context.canceled && rb.velocity.y > 0f)
            rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, rb.velocity.y * 0.5f);

        // Double jump
        if (!IsGrounded() && context.performed && canDoubleJump)
            rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, jumpPower);
            canDoubleJump = false;

Spring Joint and Invoking

Due to time investment into app dev, it has been forever since opening Unity.
As reckless as it may sound, I decided to join a game jam coming up soon.
With that said, time to study the super basics.

Today, I learned how to use Spring Joint, and Invoke to call methods with a specified delay.
Something I did today and tested on my iphone.

    private void Example()
        Invoke(nameof(RunMethod), 1.8f);

    void RunMethod()
	Console.WriteLine("It's working");